MIXT Photozine, Issues 1-3
Project: Self published photography magazine; includes a photography show at studio e Gallery in Seattle.
Mixt Magazine No 1
12 photographers: 1 editorial; 11 photographer interviews and 44 photos; 48 pages + cover; digital print; online publishing on Issuu.
Read at: http://issuu.com/netranei/docs/mixt/1
Read at: http://issuu.com/netranei/docs/mixt/1

Mixt Magazine No 2
48 pages + cover; 1 interview; 24 photographers; digitally printed and online on Issuu; corresponds with a galleried photography show
Curator/producer/editor/creative direction
Curator/producer/editor/creative direction
Interview: Linda Derschang
Photographers: Alice Wheeler/ Anton Novoselov/ Arnoldas Kubilius/ Can Dagarslani/ Danielle Houghton/ Fabien Fourcaud/ Fyodor Telkov/ Gorsad/ Ilya Shtutsa/ James Mckinnon/ Jenny Riffle/ Linus Lohoff/ Lukasz Wierzbowski/ Mankichi Shinshi/ Mariam Sitchinava/ Mike Peters/ Missy Prince/ Oscar Levcovich/ Patrick Joust/ Pau Buscató/ Pierre Wayser/ Sasa Stucin/ Sebastian Schramm/ Siri Thompson
Guest editor: Kalie Sandstrom

Mixt Magazine No 3
8 photographers + interviews; interview and art by a creative director. 44 pages; printed and online on Issuu.